Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Blessing of the Sun...

I heard today on the radio that today is the Blessing of the Sun, a tradition in which the Jewish rabbis say a special prayer in tradition to the belief that the sun has returned to its original place in the sky when God put it there at creation. This happens only once every 28 years.
The fact that it happened today is even more rare in that it only occurs on Passover once every 1,000 years.
This struck me in a profound way as I reflect about what God has been doing in my life.
When we passionately pursue God's purpose for our lives and the Holy Spirit stirs that passion to come alive, we start to look at all our life experience and realize, "Everything in my life has been preparing me for this moment."
I don't want to just let this moment pass me by. I want to passionately pursue the Holy Spirit's call to live that life of adventure he has designed me for.

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